About the Journal

“Germanic Philology. Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University” is a professional scientific publication and includes the academic articles that are dedicated to the topical issues of Language Studies, which reveal the peculiarities of Germanic languages development and functioning. It also allows to get acquainted with up-to-date scientific results in cognitive and communicative linguistics, text linguistics, discourse linguistics, language teaching methodology and translation studies. The Journal is aimed at linguists specializing in Germanic Languages, scholars, post-graduate students and high-school teachers from general educational establishments.

Current Issue

No. 848 (2024): Germanic Philology. Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
					View No. 848 (2024): Germanic Philology. Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

У збірнику вміщено статті, де розглянуто актуальні питання когнітивної та комунікативної лінгвістики, лінгвістики тексту, дискурсології, семантики, перекладознавства та методики викладання іноземних мов.

Published: 2024-05-29



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