temporality, news item, sport, media genre, grammatical tense category, communicative purposeAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of sport news items in modern German-language media from a temporal perspective. The material of the study was 30 sport news items selected in July 2024 from the German newspapers "Nordsee-Zeitung", "Süddeutsche Zeitung" and "Die Tageszeitung".
The aim of the article is to identify the peculiarities of the contextual use of verb tenses in German sport news items in order to achieve specific communicative goals. For this purpose, the study uses general and specific linguistic methods, namely: critical analysis of professional and illustrative sources, quantitative analysis, descriptive method and method of theoretical analysis.
In the corpus analysed, the following three types of notes were recorded, according to their linguistic genre and thematic design: announcement news item, photo description news items and annotation news item. A German sport news item conventionally consists of a headline and the main text. The headline section is characterised by the use of verb forms in the present tense or the use of noun constructions. In the main text, past tense verbs are mostly found, which indicates that this genre is used to describe past events.
Less frequently used in the analysed corpus are verb forms in the present tense. They are used to describe current events and events in the near future in order to bring the news up to date for the readers. In the analysed corpus, verb forms in the subjunctive mood are also used to convey indirect speech and to distinguish the author's statements from the content of the text or the statements of other people. The use of the Futur I form is insignificant in the analysed corpus of sport news items, and the Futur II form was not found at all.
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