Towards New Understanding of International Relations Asymmetry: Features of the 20th and 21st Centuries
asymmetry in international relations, Caribbean crisis, Сhina, USA, Russian-Ukrainian war, transformation of EU foreign policyAbstract
The author, using the latest methodological approaches, analyzed important aspects of asymmetry in international relations. The levels of asym-metric interaction and repulsion in interstate relations in historical retrospect, and in the current situation in particular along the lines of the still asymmetric relations between the People’s Republic of China and the United States, have been studied, while realistically taking into account the asymmetry in many dimensions of the Russian-Ukrainian war and its influence in the transformed system of global and regional security.
It is emphasized that the beginning of the asymmetric Russian-Ukrainian war became a bifurcation point for the European Union in a fundamental revision of its own foreign policy strategy in the conditions of a tectonic geostrategic break. There was a problem of rethinking, in particular, the geo-economic role of the EU in new global, but still prone to fragmentation world.
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