Thematic Panels of Critical Discourse of Deliberative Democracy


  • Nataliia Rotar Professor of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Author



democracy, deliberative democracy, theory, criticism of the theory of deliberative democracy, deliberation, political institutions, political system


The article describes the features of the main stages of the formation of research interest in the theoretical understanding of deliberative democracy and explores the main directions of criticism of the theory of deliberative democracy in the perspective of its conceptual renewal. The analysis of the features and directions of criticism of the theory of deliberative democracy in modern political science has proven that it is characterized by a wide space of the discursive field, marked by elements of uncertainty. The traditional thematic panels of the critical discourse of deliberative democracy can be defined as: first, its positioning as an overly idealistic model; second, the procedures and process of developing political consensus in the process of deliberation; third, the (de)motivation of political participation of citizens in the process of deploying institutionalized practices of deliberation; fourth, determining the role and significance of the political competence of citizens for achieving the goal of the deliberation process and ensuring the effectiveness of the functioning of democratic political systems.


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How to Cite

Rotar, N. (2024). Thematic Panels of Critical Discourse of Deliberative Democracy. Mediaforum : Analytics, Forecasts, Information Management, 15, 237-250.