Czech Initiative on Ukrainian Ammunition – Substantial Aid for Victory over Russia
Czech Republic, Ukraine, large-scale russian war against Ukraine, ammunition initiativeAbstract
The purpose of the article is to investigate interaction and assistance, which the Czech Republic provides to Ukraine in the context of a large-scale war against the russian federation. The article uses a statistical comparative, monitoring methods, system and functional methodological approaches.
The authors of the article emphasize that war, which was launched by the russian federation against Ukraine, created a threat to the entire civilized world; that progressive, democratic states immediately supported Ukraine in this brutal war, in every possible way help the indomitable Ukrainian people to resist and overcome the invaders; that world leaders have repeatedly stated that will help Ukraine as much as needed.
At the same time, the article analyzes the positions of the leaders of neighboring countries (Slovakia and Hungary), who refuse to provide military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine in the war, dissolved by the russian federation, not understanding that in the event of the defeat of our state – the enemy will not stop, and will try to regain its influence in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
The significant contribution of the Czech Republic to the provision of various support to Ukraine has been studied – material, humanitarian and military, from the first days of the war against the terrorist and totalitarian regime in russia. The Czech initiative to supply ammunition to Ukraine was particularly powerful, which was launched in February 2024 by the President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel.
Ukrainians are very grateful to the Czechs for their understanding and help, which the leaders of Ukraine have repeatedly emphasized. Also help, which the Czech Republic provides to Ukraine, highly valued by the allies of the Czech Republic, thanks to which the Czech Republic strengthened its respect and recognition in the international environment.
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