Contours of the Contemporary Information Society Development
information, communication, information and communication activity, information and communication function, information and communication technologiesAbstract
Comprehensive coverage of the issues surrounding the problems of communication in the modern world, in addition to discussing the rules of modern human behavior regarding the meaning of information messages disseminated in society, especially meticulously considers technological aspects of information and communication activities, which includes three components: Internet, which became a planetary phenomenon; reliability and security of hardware and software systems that ensure the implementation of the state information and communication function; means of interaction of information and communication systems that provide information and communication function and its security in society.
Under such conditions, the study of information and communication activities in society becomes relevant and is determined not only by the meaning of the transmitted information, but also the space in which it is disse-minated. Given the socially significant interests of the formation of a modern national information and communication space in which the average citizen can get the necessary information. It is emphasized that in terms of exis-ting political and legal norms, the following should be taken into account: the experience of global networks, such as the Internet, which largely meets these requirements; availability of universal protocols that allow the transfer of any information so that it can be received by any recipient; opportunity to use means of communication and socially significant information in personal communication, in particular relevant information, for the purpose of professional growth; education or research activities with the possibility of organi-zing complex communication: individuals, individuals with a group, groups with groups for the purpose of productive information exchange and dissemination of information in electronic publications, databases, collaboration.
It is stated that when it is impossible to obtain, understand, comprehend or assimilate the transmitted information, communication is impossible, as well as the organization of advanced work at a distance, the transfer of real scientific, educational or production processes online. To understand and effectively use the information provided by the information and communication environment, you need to have the appropriate knowledge. Today, a huge number of people in modern countries, especially quasi-intellectual youth, without a thorough education, under the influence of the ICT, unconsciously fond of computerization, electronic games, etc., thinks fragmentarily and superficially, and, unfortunately, often turn into avatars, meaningless moving in cyberspace.
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