Formative Potential of Modern Media in the New Type of Culture Space




media, media culture, new type of culture, social communications, information content


Modern media exist within a specific communicative space, shaped by its characteristics and reflecting its current state. The study aims to investigate the influence of new media on public consciousness, the formation of a new type of culture, and its value transformations. A retrospective analysis of media development suggests that modern media not only serve as a means of shaping a new type of culture but also themselves transformed in response to contemporary demands.  This highlights the interdependence and interconnectedness of information/knowledge production, circulation, assimilation, and application, along with communication types and the formation of a new type of culture. Media culture, within the system of new information processes, acquires new features and introduces new aesthetic and value characteristics into culture as a whole, carrying out a socially transformative representation of reality.

The authors emphasize that rapid development and transformation of mass communication, everyday communicative practices, the rise of social networks, the growing potential of digital media, and the expansion of the media space create new opportunities and challenges. These challenges linked to the ongoing need to navigate a constantly shifting reality, fundamentally altering the socio-cultural landscape. Historically synchronous with the information society is the culture of modernity, largely formed/constructed precisely through the development of modern media. New media transform media culture, affecting not only traditional means of information transmission but also the entire spectrum of social communications, changing their form and content, and influencing everyday life, cultural, linguistic, political, economic, cognitive, and other spheres of human activity. Further research into the impact of modern media on the transformation of media culture and a thorough examination of the methodological foundations of these issues remain relevant.


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How to Cite

Kyrydon, A., & Troyan, S. (2024). Formative Potential of Modern Media in the New Type of Culture Space. Mediaforum : Analytics, Forecasts, Information Management, 15, 288-303.