Artificial Intelligence Technologies as a Component and Toolkit of Industry 4.0 Development: According Think Tanks Expert Evaluations




industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, Alan Turing, Samuel Butler, ethics, scientific research, Ukrainian educational institutions, transparency, privacy, responsibility, social interaction, Alfredo Valladeo, think tanks


In the article, the authors raise several topical topics related to the modern development of artificial intelligence as a component and toolkit of Industry 4.0 development. It is emphasized that according to the British Collins dictionary, in 2023 the term "artificial intelligence" became the word of the year. The main provisions of the article are based on special research in the field of AI carried out by such well-known think tanks as the Alan Turing Institute, the Center for the 4th Industrial Revolution of the CEF in Davos with the support of the Hitachi company, as well as the RAND Corporation. The materials of the reports of the European Commission and developments on the subject of AI in recent years in Ukraine, in particular in the military and security areas, have been included.

The authors also note the fact that in the 21st century, a rather unusual problem of the ethics of artificial intelligence is gaining more and more momentum: the question arises whether we will be able to develop an effective system of rules in the medium term, designed to create an environment, so to speak, of trusted development of technologies AI.

Special attention is paid to the issues of geostrategic confrontation between the United States and the Peopleʼs Republic of China in the field of innovative development of AI. In this context, artificial intelligence requires original management solutions at the global level. The governance structure should be preventive, flexible, inclusive, transparent and focused. All stakeholders – states, IT institutions, non-governmental actors and development firms – should, based on these principles, form 3 overlapping governance regimes. The first is to fact-find and advise governments on the risks associated with artificial intelligence; the second to prevent a full arms race between states on an innovative basis; the third to control the destructive forces of technology unlike anything the world has seen in the past.

It is concluded that artificial intelligence, under the conditions of its further framing and ethical proof, is only one of the newest directions (recall Gödelʼs theorem here) of the development of the human mind in the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Fisanov, V., & Hissa-Ivanovych, O. (2024). Artificial Intelligence Technologies as a Component and Toolkit of Industry 4.0 Development: According Think Tanks Expert Evaluations. Mediaforum : Analytics, Forecasts, Information Management, 14, 275-299.