Modern Forms and Practices of the Civil Society Self-Organization in the Czech Republic
Czech Republic, civil society, non-governmental organizations, forms of organization in the social and ecological spheres, forms of legal and financial regulation of activities, state policy on civil societyAbstract
The aim of this article is to study the peculiarities and specifics of Czech civil society. The initial situation and institutional conditions of the social self-organization are analyzed, along with specific examples of representing social interests and other forms of participation, as well as the ideas of state policy and civil society that fuel civic activism or protests. The author emphasizes that today the Czech Republic has a fairly diverse and extensive network of organized civil society, particularly in the ecological and social spheres. The system of political parties and a certain form of legal and financial regulation have not always contributed to the development of civic initiatives. Trade unions benefit from the opportunity to participate in state politics and its institutions.
For Czechs, it is characteristic to express collective interests and outside the parliament – informally through demonstrations, petitions, and initiatives directed towards post-materialistic orientations. Civic initiatives address issues concerning Roma and other minorities, aid refugees, and resolve matters in which the state takes a restrictive position, although it is supported by broad segments of the Czech society. Similar patterns can be observed in protests and demands for political reforms. Czechs are seeking alternatives to existing parties that rely on civil society. The author emphasizes that among the numerous civil society organizations, there are influential ones, but the level of participation of Czechs in them is low. There have been frequent expressions of dissatisfaction with the form of social life and significant reservations towards the “party elite” in society. To some extent, this also applies to associations closely related to politics.
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