Political and Social and Legal Support for Information Society Development in the Czech Republic
Czech Republic, European Union, information and communication technologies, information societyAbstract
The article examines the political and socio-legal support for the development of the information society in the Czech Republic. It is proved that the Czech Republic as a member of the European Union actively pursues a policy for developing information and communication technologies and has achieved significant results here. The conceptual and administrative design of this policy in the Czech Republic has made it an integral part of the EU strategy to increase the competitiveness of the European economy and improve the living standards of the Czechs. The state policy of ensuring the development of the information society of the Czech Republic is an extremely important task that is being solved in the course of implementing the general reforms of the state. The purpose of this policy in the Czech Republic is primarily to create conditions for timely identification of information threats sources and their possible consequences. The Czech Republic is constantly implementing a set of preventive measures to neutralize or reduce the negative consequences of information threats, creating conditions for ensuring timely, complete and
accurate information for decision-making, and carrying out information activities to harmonize personal, public and state interests as a basis for achieving political stability in the country.
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