professional competence of a translator, full written, annotated and abstract translation, scientific and technical text, e-courseAbstract
The publication presents the theoretical and practical basis of the methodology of teaching scientific and technical translation in higher education institutions. The purpose of the study is to develop a new electronic (multimedia) course ‘Scientific and Technical Translation of the First Foreign Language’ on the Moodle educational platform for training students of higher education (first / bachelor's degree) Specialty 035 – Philology.
The object of the study is the process of forming translation competence in various types of written scientific and technical translation from German into Ukrainian and vice versa. To achieve this goal, general scientific theoretical and empirical methods were used (analysis and comparison of scientific literature on the research topic); pedagogical methods (method of pedagogical observation, documentary method, which helped to process and systematise the results of an anonymous sociological survey of students of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University); sociological methods (method of sociological survey at the statement stage).
The proposed course for the development of professional competences in bilateral written scientific and technical translation is an e-learning tool that contains teaching materials, translation tasks, glossaries, tests and a set of exercises to develop students' skills in bilateral written scientific and technical translation. To create a set of preparatory (pre-translation) exercises and translation tasks, various activities and resources of the Moodle learning platform were used, including folders with information and reference material, WIKI, GLOSSARY, LESSON, TASK, HYPERLINK, TEST, SEMINAR, FORUM, CHAT, etc.
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