Outreach Influence of the Russian Federation on the Presidential Elections in the United States of America (2016 and 2020)
United States of America, Russian Federation, information and propaganda influence, presidential elections, Russian influence, interference in elections, hacker attacks, cyber influenceAbstract
A striking example of the Russian Federation’s information and propaganda influense was its interference in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections. In conducting this research, we will focus mainly on reports from the US intelligence community to assess the extent of foreign influence on the electoral process. Analyzing the US information space during the last presidential elections, we can highlight a unifying element – the role and intentions of the Russian Federation and its President Vladimir Putin to influence the American election process. Among Vladimir Putin’s intentions can be traced - undermining the confidence of the citizens of the United States in the election process, reducing the chances of victory for the Democratic Party, deepening socio-political contradictions.
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