The Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian War on the Future of Regional Security in Central and Eastern Europe
regional security complex, Central-Eastern Europe, Russian-Ukrainian war, NATO, multipolarity, Russia, USAAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis and forecasting of the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the formation of the regional security complex in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and its role in the new European security architecture. The article examines the factors of both the global and regional level that caused the formation of such security complexes. It has been proven that the transformation of the system of international relations towards multipolarity became the main of such factors. Special attention is paid to the study of the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the formation of two mega-blocs that act as subjects of the global conflict. The article substantiates the hypothesis that this war caused fundamental changes in the international system, which include, first of all, a global change in the balance of power and interests, a new geopolitical restructuring, and the emergence of new geopolitical players in the struggle for global and regional dominance and the destruction of existing security structures in Europe, which necessitates the construction of a regional security complex in the CEE.
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