On the Need to Create a New Innovative Culture in the Society Media Sphere
information, modern man, information and communication policy, information and communication technologies, innovative activityAbstract
In the article, the author examines important issues in the development of the latest information and communication technologies (ICT). In particular, the processes of human socialization and communication and various forms of its organization in the digital environment are analyzed in detail. Fundamental reform of all systems of education, accounting and communication of citizens in the "digital age" should lead to a rethinking of the entire style of social and political life in the 21st century, as well as to the formation of a new consciousness of citizens regarding innovative thinking and responsibility in working with information.
The author states that in the new situation, the creation of even perfect legal norms and procedures becomes not just a dream, but a condition for the survival of Ukraine as a state. Under such conditions, understanding the ownership rights of such phenomena as information and information resources becomes the key to the solution of worldview problems by the country's ruling elite regarding innovative development.
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