Contemporary political and communication processes in political governance


  • Iryna Butyrs’ka Associate Professor of Management and Tourism Chernivtsi Trade and Economic Institute KNTEU Author



political communication, political relations, political management, political system of society


The article is devoted to the analysis of political communication as a special kind of political relations; through which subjects dominate in politics regulate the production and distribution of socio-political ideas. In the modern world, political communication serves as an integral element of political governance, the success of the functioning of the entire political system of society depends on its quality. The author believes that modern political governance has a communicative nature, so political communication plays a leading role in the information society. This, in turn, leads to a change in the classical model of political governance, based on the coercion and legitimate legitimacy of violence by the communicative model of political governance. At the same time, information and communication technologies and the development of new means of communication directly change the system of relations between the state and society, including in the political sphere, which already influences the effectiveness of political management of society through traditional instruments, posing to the states and political institutions the problem of developing new approaches to political communication with the masses. The underestimation of the consequences of the introduction of modern information and communication technologies in everyday life can become a powerful factor in destabilizing the political system, associated with a sharp drop in the effectiveness of classical mass models of political governance.


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How to Cite

Butyrs’ka, I. (2018). Contemporary political and communication processes in political governance. Mediaforum : Analytics, Forecasts, Information Management, 6, 196-207.