Conflict resolution in the interaction between the legislature and the executive in Ukraineі


  • Anastasiia Repetska Postgraduate student of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations, Yuri Fedkovych National University of Chernivtsi and the Department of History of the University of Suceava, Stefan Sel Mare (Romania) Author



conflict, causes of conflicts, conflict resolution, interaction between legislative and executive powers, branches of power, public relations


The article analyzes the causes of conflicts between the legislature and the executive in Ukraine, reveals their factors and discusses technologies for resolving conflicts between branches of government. Considering the causes and settlement of conflicts in the interaction between the legislature and the executive in Ukraine, it should be noted that conflicts exist on the surface of relations between these two branches of government. Therefore, the author believes that there is no need to hope for resolving the existing conflicts in Ukraine between the legislature and the executive without deep and radical reforms in all spheres of public life.



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How to Cite

Repetska, A. (2020). Conflict resolution in the interaction between the legislature and the executive in Ukraineі. Mediaforum : Analytics, Forecasts, Information Management, 8, 173-184.