Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Mobile Station Location Estimation




mobile station, positioning, fuzzy controller


Modern wireless communication systems require positioning functions, which provide are automatic location estimation of stations within a network. However, when new networks are implemented, much higher accuracy is required when determining geographical coordinates of a mobile station to develop of services related to the station location. To solve the problem of mobile station positioning, its geographical coordinates are calculated, coordinates of the closest base stations being known. The paper proposes to use a genetic neuro-fuzzy controller for improving the effectiveness of positioning a mobile station. Positioning methods providing usage of artificial intelligence methods are based on measurements of levels for signals from the closets access points or base stations, their coordinates are known. The proposed localization method is based on values of received signal strength indicator – RSSI. At the same time, the RSSI method has a disadvantage – low accuracy, which is proposed to be increased by applying methods of artificial intelligence – fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to elaborate an optimized method for determining location of a mobile station. In compliance with the suggested method, RSSI values and ToA values enter the genetic neuro-fuzzy controller, after corresponding processing, the distance from the mobile station to the base station appears at its output.


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Author Biographies

  • Olena Semenova, Vinnytsia National Technical University

    Received the Ph.D. degree from Vinnytsia National Technical University in 2007. She is currently an Associated Professor at the Department of Infocommunication Systems and Technologies of Vinnytsia National Technical University. Her areas of research interest include telecommunication networks and soft computing. She has over 160 scientific papers. She got the Prize of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists in 2014.

  • Andriy Semenov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

    Received the Ph.D. degree from Vinnytsia National Technical University in 2008 and received the Dr.Sc. degree from Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, in 2019. He is currently a Full Professor the Department of Information Radioelectronic Technologies and Systems of Vinnytsia National Technical University. He has authored and co-authored over 320 scientific papers. He got the Governmental Award for Scientific Achievements in 2013 and two Governmental Prizes for Young Scientists in 2013 and 2014.

  • Andrii Lutsyshyn, Vinnytsia National Technical University

    Received the BSc in Telecomunications in 2020 and the MSc degree in Telecomminication and Radiotechnics in 2021 from Vinnytsia National Technical University. Post-Graduate Student of the Deptment of Infocommunication Systems and Technologies.

  • Vadym Dyra, Vinnytsia National Technical University

    Received the BSc in Radiotechnics in 2021 and the MSc degree in Telecommminication systems and networks and in 2022 from Vinnytsia National Technical University.


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How to Cite

O. Semenova, A. Semenov, A. Lutsyshyn, and V. Dyra, “Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Mobile Station Location Estimation”, SISIOT, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 01006, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.31861/sisiot2023.1.01006.