Requirements for the articles

Dear authors!

To publish the article its text should be sent by the specified deadline to one of the email addresses of the editorial board of "Mediaforum»:


  1. File with article text and annotations.

(Lengtharticle up to 20000-30000 printable characters, review, message - up to 20000 printable characters, including abstract and references). 

A-4 format , line spacing - 1.5, Font - Times New Roman, 14 points; all margins: 2 cm; paragraph - 0.5 cm (in the text of the article); the pages of the article should be numbered.


The editorial board and authors use CHICAGO STYLE: AUTHOR-DATE to write articles. The main examples of the sources for CHICAGO STYLE: AUTHOR-DATE are given below, more details can be found - citationguide / citation-guide-2.html

Article structure:

  • UDC;
  • surname of the author (s) and title of the article in Ukrainian and English;
  • full name of the institution and department where the work was performed in Ukrainian and English;
  • abstract in Ukrainian and English;
  • keywords in Ukrainian and English;
  • extended abstract in English (for articles in English make an extended summary in Ukrainian) - Abstract; Length up to 1 page;
  • the text of the article in the original language;
  • structure of the article: formulation of a scientific problem and its significance; analysis of recent research on this problem, in particular, it should contain a description of the study of the problem not only in domestic but also in the world scientific literature; formulation of the purpose and aim of the article; presentation of the main material, which should create the integral view of the scientific problem studied by the author; conclusions;
  • list of sources (in alphabetical order). Formed in accordance with the requirements of CHICAGO STYLE: AUTHOR-DATE;
  • list of sources in the Latin alphabet (transliterated) - References.



The abstract in English should be informative (without general words), meaningful (reflect the main content of the article and research results) and structured. The English abstract should be written in English without the use of automatic translators.


  1. Author’s Bio (attached) electronic and scanned with signatures.


For authors who do not have a scientific degree, the scanned recommendation of the supervisor or a person who has a scientific degree in the specialty corresponding to the subject of research (signed by the candidate or doctor of sciences of the relevant topic; with signature sealed). Texts sent for publication in the scientific journal "Mediaforum" are the subject to mandatory review. Manuscripts returned to the authors for revision should be sent in a revised form to the editorial board within a specified period. The Editorial Board keeps the right to technically shorten and edit manuscripts. The Editorial Board keeps the right to reject articles that do not meet these requirements. 

Author’s Bio

Information about the author:

Surname, name, patronymic, scientific degree, academic title, position, place of work (institution, department)

In Ukrainian


In English


Contact phone numbers




Postal address


Title of the article in Ukrainian


Title of the article in English*

* In the title, all meaningful words (except articles and prepositions) must begin with a capital letter (it is absolutely unacceptable to write only part of the semantic words with a capital letter). For example: From National Interest to Global Reform: Patterns of Reasoning in British Foreign Policy Discourse

Title of the article transliterated


Author’s ORCID


The author grants the right to Yuri Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University to publish his fulltext article or its part in scientometric and scientific databases and open access resources on the Internet





Examples of citation and design of the List of sources by CHICAGO STYLE: AUTHOR-DATE .: 



  • a quote up to five lines of text is given inside the line and is enclosed in quotation marks. If the author's surname is indicated in the sentence, then after the surname it is necessary to indicate the date of publication and page in parentheses, for example (Timoshik 2004, 99), if only the author's opinion is given, then it is indicated in parentheses at the end of the sentence - (Timoshik, 2004, 99) ;
  • block citation if 5 or more lines of text are cited. Presented in the text from a new line through a single line spacing with a paragraph indentation to the left for the entire citation, without quotation marks.cThere is one indent line before and after the block quote.cThe quotation is followed by the author's name, year and page in parentheses, for example: (Kravchenko, 2007, 55);
  • if the link is to 2-3 authors, then the in-text link must list the names of all authors (through a comma). Before the last name of the author conjunction “and” is written . For example: (Wardand Burns 2007, 52); (Shulgin, Slobodyanyk, and Pavlenko 2014, 41).


Multi-volume edition:

  • the in-text link to the multi-volume edition must contain the volume number, which is indicated after the year of publication, through a comma, the page number is indicated by a colon after the volume. For example: (Torez 1973, 2:45) or (Oliynyk 2006, 3:56).


Making a list of References:


  • The title of the list - References is placed in the center of the page. The title is indented by 2 lines;
  • The bibliography is submitted in alphabetical order (by the name of the author or editor / compiler, if there is no author). Each bibliographic description of the source begins with a new line with justified alignment.  


Examples of descriptions of books, articles and online publications: 

Books by 1 or more authors:

Pollan, Michael. 2006. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin.

Ward, Geoffrey, and Ken Burns. 2007. The War: An Intimate History, 1941–1945. New York: Knopf.

ТимошикМикола2004. Видавнича справа та редагування. Київ: Ін Юре.

Ломницька, Ярослава, та Надія Чабан. 2009. Регіоналістика.  Львів:  Видавничий центр ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка.

Book without an author (at the beginning the surname of the compiler or translator is given:

Lattimore, Richmond, trans. 1951. The Iliad of Homer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

ФігольНадія, уклад. 2009. Українська мова.Київ: НТУУ “КПІ”.

A separate volume of the multi-volume edition:

Hayek, F. A. 1995. Contra Keynes and Cambridge: Essays, Correspondence. Vol. 9 of The Collected Works. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988–97.

Олійник, Борис. 2006. Переклади. Публіцистика.Т. 2 у Вибрані твори. Київ: Українська енциклопедія, 2005-6.


Kurland, Philip. 1987. The Founders’ Constitution.Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

founders/ (accessed April 12, 2018).

ДахноІван. 2014. Право інтелектуальної власності. Київ: ЦУЛ. ua/full/959-pravo-intelectvlasn_dahnopdf. html (accessed April 12, 2018).

Journal articles – both:printed and online:

Weinstein, Peter. 2009. “The Market in Plato’sRepublic.” Classical Philology 104: 439–458.

РоїкМаксим. 2014. “Сучасний стан довкілля.” Біоенергетика 1(5): 21-23.

Abstracts or dissertations (thesis):

Herberg, John. 2007. “Relief for Termination of Employment”. PhD diss., University of Chicago.

Саленко, Олександр. 2001. “Наукові основи високо ефективного гідроріза-ння.” Автореф. дис. канд.техн. наук, Національний Технічний Університет України “Київський Політехнічний Інститут”.

Conference materials:

Поліщук, Олег. 2008. “Інженерія программного забезпечення.” Матеріали конференції молодих вчених, Київ, Червень 25-29.

Official documents:

U.S. Congress. House. Committee on InternationalRelations. 1997. The Threat from International Organized Crime and Global Terrorism: Hearingbefore the Committee on International Relations. 105th Cong., 1st sess., October 1.

Верховна Рада України. 2015. Про внесення змін до деяких законодавчих актів України у зв’язку з прийняттям Закону України “Про Національну поліцію”. 2 сесія, Грудень 23.



The list of sources in the Latin alphabet (transliterated) should also be made in accordance with the requirements of CHICAGO STYLE: AUTHOR-DATE;

The transliterated References must be given in a completely separate block, repeating the list of sources provided in the Ukrainian language, regardless of whether there are foreign sources or not. If the list contains references to foreign publications, they are completely repeated in the list provided in Latin. The title of the transliterated bibliography should be in English: References. To transliterate the Ukrainian text, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 27, 2010 № 55 (, the website of the Online Transliteration http: // should be used. For transliteration of the Russian text - the system of the US Department of State ( should be used.