The Development of Digitalization During the War as a Sociocultural Phenomenon


  • Svitlana Sydorenko chief specialist of the Department of Internal Policy of the Zaporizhia Regional State (Military) Administration Author



globalization, digitization, digital technologies, cyber war, digital space


The purpose of the article is to analyze the development of digitalization in the conditions of war as a socio-cultural phenomenon. It is noted that Ukraine continues to fight both in the digital and mental spaces for its own independence, originality, national identity and democratic future. The Ukrainian nation’s struggle for survival has reached a new level – digital. In the conditions of martial law, Ukrainian society is increasingly faced with various types of «cyber attacks» by aggressor countries: failures in the provision of electronic services, blocking of the work of state bodies, phishing attacks by e-mail, cybercrimes, violations of the integrity and confidentiality of data, informational and psychological pressure on population, cyber-terrorism, cyber-espionage, information expansion into the country’s national information space, blocking the work or destruction of enterprises strategically important for the economy and state security, life support systems and high-risk facilities. Modern digital technologies in the conditions of globalization are modernizing the strategies of warfare in the 21st century. In the conditions of martial law, Ukrainian society is increasingly faced with various types of «cyber attacks» by the aggressor country, including: blocking the work of state bodies, phishing attacks by e-mail, cyber crimes, violations of data integrity and confidentiality, information and psychological pressure on Ukrainians, cyber terrorism, cyber espionage, etc. Disinformation, anti-Ukrainian propaganda, fakes, racism, revanchism, political, material, spiritual violence that threaten the national security of our state can be spread through various «information channels» of the aggressor countries. But, on the other hand, in wartime conditions, Ukraine strives to protect the national information space from the negative effects of informational and psychological attacks and continues to implement the policy of digitalization and the introduction of digital technologies. Ukraine strives to protect the national information space, continues to implement the digitalization policy, implements the «State in a Smartphone» program, develops the IT sector that fulfills contracts, exports its own services, provides foreign exchange earnings, and also supports the Ukrainian economy. Provides services through the «Diia» state platform, including for internally displaced persons.


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How to Cite

Sydorenko, S. (2022). The Development of Digitalization During the War as a Sociocultural Phenomenon. Mediaforum : Analytics, Forecasts, Information Management, 11, 298-309.