Activities of the Russian Federation on Restoration and Strengthening Political, Economic and Security Influence in the Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation, Moldova, security, Black Sea region, TransnistriaAbstract
The article deals with the activity of the Russian Federation on restoration and strengthening political and economic influence in the Republic of Moldova what in the case of successful implementation will be one more step to neo-imperial revenge in the region of the Newly independent states. For this purpose, Russia is forming agents of influences in governmental institutions, it interferes into electoral processes as well as Russia is making combined pressure on Moldova’s state power with the help of pro-Russian forces within Moldova on the one hand, and Transnistian region on the other. Russian Federation uses termination of gas supply for the strengthening socio-economic and political destabilization of Moldova with the aim to defeat pro-European politicians on parliamentary elections this Autumn. Moldova is actively and in many cases successfully trying to react on Russian subversive activity on destruction of its statehood.
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