Foreign Policy Impact on Ukraine’s Reputation
state reputation, foreign policy, state image, public diplomacy, globalizationAbstract
The article examines the foreign policy impact on Ukraine's reputational character in the context of modern international relations. The reputation of a state is considered an important intangible asset that influences its international agency, attraction of foreign investments, formation of partnerships, and ability to address global challenges. Key aspects of Ukraine's foreign policy activities are analyzed, including its diplomatic efforts, participation in international organizations, strategic partnerships, and communication with foreign audiences. The article also addresses challenges that negatively affect the country’s reputation, such as information wars, the impact of Russia՚s armed aggression, and issues of internal political instability. Particular attention is given to mechanisms for enhancing Ukraine՚s reputational potential, including effective public diplomacy, international cooperation, and adaptation to global trends. The results of the study can serve as a foundation for optimizing Ukraine’s foreign policy strategy to strengthen its position on the global stage.
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