The European Security Crisis and the Position of the United States in Late 2021 – Early 2022




security crisis, Russian invasion, deterrence strategy, economic sanctions, military assistance, spheres of influence


The article analyses the position of the J. Biden administration on the security crisis in Europe that arose at the end of 2021 as a result of Russia's aggressive actions around Ukraine's borders. This security crisis was objective in nature, caused by the Kremlin's changing approach to the Ukrainian issue and its desire to increase its geopolitical influence in the region. It has been found that in response to Moscow's military preparations, the Biden administration has developed and implemented a comprehensive package of deterrence measures, focusing on the diplomatic resolution of contradictions with Russia.

The US anti-crisis management strategy included diplomatic pressure, disclosure of some intelligence on the Kremlin's military plans, strengthening the military presence in Europe, especially Eastern Europe, developing a package of economic sanctions against Russia in case of an invasion, and providing Kyiv with additional military assistance. At the same time, the indecision and caution of the Biden administration and the public definition of 'red lines' undermined the effectiveness of the US strategy, as they were perceived as weakness by the Russian leadership and only fuelled the Kremlin's aggressive intentions and confidence in its victory over Ukraine.

Based on pessimistic forecasts by US intelligence agencies, senior US administration officials were preparing for imminent defeat and occupation of Ukraine. The main objectives of the Biden administration's strategy in this crisis were to strengthen the defence of NATO's eastern flank and to prevent the war from spreading beyond Ukrainian territory.


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How to Cite

Pashkov, V. (2024). The European Security Crisis and the Position of the United States in Late 2021 – Early 2022. Mediaforum : Analytics, Forecasts, Information Management, 15, 77-94.