Formats of Interaction between Ukraine and the Euro-Atlantic Community in the Context of a Full-Scale Invasion of the Russian Federation




Euro-Atlantic community, Euro-Atlantic vector, Euro-Atlantic integration, interaction in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, defense and security agreements, countering Russian aggression, Euro-Atlantic security space, strategic partnership


The full-scale invasion of 24 February 2022 transformed the format of Ukraine's interaction with the Euro-Atlantic community. In addition, internal political disagreements within NATO over Ukraine's rapid membership in the organization have led to the emergence of various alternative approaches to supporting Ukraine - the Ramstein format, security guarantees (security agreements) with dozens of NATO member states, in-depth cooperation with the United Kingdom to ensure Euro-Atlantic security, etc. The article pays special attention to the analysis of the "value factor" of interaction between Ukraine and the countries of the Euro-Atlantic area in the context of defending the principles and values of Western civilization in the face of Russian aggression. Since this aspect is the basis for long-term mutually beneficial relations between Ukraine and the countries of the Euro-Atlantic area, there is a need to study Ukraine's relations with the Euro-Atlantic countries regarding military and political cooperation. The article aims to study the formats and concepts denoting specific strategic interaction processes between Ukraine and the Euro-Atlantic community in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Our study used the comparative and historical method, document analysis, hypothetical-deductive and inductive methods, and the abstract to the concrete method. Accordingly, these methods allow us to reveal the historical context of the development and legal fixation of specific interaction formats between Ukraine and the Euro-Atlantic community. The author shows that Euro-Atlantic support for Ukraine has combined diplomatic, humanitarian, military, and political components. Various formats of interaction between Ukraine and the Euro-Atlantic community, particularly the Centenary Partnership Agreement between Ukraine and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, are considered.


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How to Cite

Buzarov, A. (2024). Formats of Interaction between Ukraine and the Euro-Atlantic Community in the Context of a Full-Scale Invasion of the Russian Federation. Mediaforum : Analytics, Forecasts, Information Management, 15, 42-60.