Populism as a Threat to the Post-War Recovery of Ukraine


  • Tetiana Liashenko Doctor of Political Sciences, leading researcher of the Department of Political Institutes and Processes of the Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies named after I.F. Kuras of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5807-1130




populism, parties, elites, transformations, political culture, authoritarianism, war


The article attempts to analyze the emergence and formation of populism in Ukraine. The role of political party leaders in the political transformation of Ukraine is studied, which allows us to understand social transformations caused by populism: populist parties are particularly prone to internal authoritarianism, often relying on a charismatic leader in the style of a strongman. It is noted that the political culture of the elite matters and shapes political institutions, and these political institutions influence both the process of societal consolidation and the type of political regime in general. It is emphasized that numerous elite groups are necessary for the functioning of democracy. The influence of the mass media on the results of the formation of public opinion and national voting is considered. The ability of populists to transition to personalistic authoritarian rule is emphasized, and this process is significantly accelerated during a long-term crisis, especially war. It is noted that one of the signs of growing authoritarianism is a decrease in the rights and influence of the regions and the regional political elite.

The article concludes that after the victory, the ruling class and the political elite of Ukraine face two risks: the first is that it is quite possible to expect a further decrease in the level of trust of Ukrainians not only in the Verkhovna Rada, but also in the top political leadership of the country. And the second - there are likely to be splits within the ruling elite, which is usually one of the main factors in the collapse of a personalist or authoritarian regime. It is stated that after the war, opposition sentiments in Ukraine will increase significantly, and the opposition environment will be favorable for its representatives to try to compete for power. It is quite likely that after the end of the war, other elites and other leaders will enter the arena. Taking this into account, the authorities need to adjust to a difficult compromise with civil society, domestic business and foreign partners.


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How to Cite

Liashenko, T. (2023). Populism as a Threat to the Post-War Recovery of Ukraine. Mediaforum : Analytics, Forecasts, Information Management, 13, 111-124. https://doi.org/10.31861/mediaforum.2023.13.111-124