Practice of “Embedded Journalism” in Ukraine


  • Nataliia Karpchuk Doctor of political sciences, professor of the department of international communications and political analysis of Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka Author
  • Yurii Makar Doctor of historical sciences, professor of the Department of International Relations and Public Communications of Yuri Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University Author



media at war, conflict, “embedded journalism”, war cor- respondents


The role of journalists in satisfying citizens’ right to free access to socially important information in war conditions is highlighted. The importance to inform the public about the progress of the military campaign is emphasized because it provides the civilians’ emotional and volunteer support for the army and military, political, and economic decisions. The history of the emergence of “embedded journalism” and the experience of implementing this type of journalism in Ukraine are analyzed. The author focuses on the ambivalent nature of “embedded journalism” from the point of view of researchers and practitioners. The legal basis for the journalists’ activities in hot spots is outlined, in particular the restrictions introduced after the full-scale offensive of the Russian Federation on Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The challenges for Ukrainian journalists regarding the implementation of the practice of “embedded journalism” and the completion of this project in Ukraine are pointed out. The author considers the specificities of the military correspondents’ activities and the recommendations developed by Ukrainian journalists and media experts regarding how to behave and how to communicate with the military and how to resolve conflict situations in the combat zone.


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How to Cite

Karpchuk, N., & Makar, Y. (2023). Practice of “Embedded Journalism” in Ukraine . Mediaforum : Analytics, Forecasts, Information Management, 12, 191-204.