Justin Trudeau’s Political Speeches: a Study of Political Success





Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, trust, truth, passion, timing, metaphor, metonymy, antithesis, analogy, code-switching


The article explores the cohesion of political success and the ability of a politician to convey his or her core idea verbally, politician’s skill to persuade an audience, to find a connection with it. The study is based on the political speeches of the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. The effectiveness of Justin Trudeau’s political speeches is accomplished by certain general characteristics: listeners’ trust, truth of the proclaimed information, speaker’s passion and timing of the reports. Various linguistic means are used to achieve these characteristics in his political speeches: metaphor, metonymy, antithesis, analogy, etc.


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Abstract views: 47



How to Cite

Kudelko, Z. (2019). Justin Trudeau’s Political Speeches: a Study of Political Success. Mediaforum : Analytics, Forecasts, Information Management, 7, 211-220. https://doi.org/10.31861/mediaforum.2019.7.211-220