The Role of Social Networks in the Social and Political Life of Germany (Illustrated by Stuttgart 21 Project)
social media, social networks and social media platforms, participation, the Federal Republic of Germany, Facebook, Twitter, Stuttgart 21Abstract
This article deals with the main problems of the role of social networks and social media platforms in the social and political life of the Federal Republic of Germany and in the mobilization of some population groups using the example of the Project Stuttgart 21. The author will consider the traditional medias loss their monopoly on the dissemination of information. It will also consider the emergence of new types of social medias and their active development. The shift in the role of the media user by communication, online and offline participation of ordinary citizens, institutions and political parties in the Federal Republic of Germany and their activity is also investigated. Finally the author analyses the emergence of alternative medias and social media platforms of protest, which were provoked by the Project Stuttgart 21. The main strategies and methods of online communication between different groups of protesters, some for and some against this project, are defined. The study found that the social networks and social media platforms have ever more influence on the social and political life of the Federal Republic of Germany and can mobilize the German population and consolidate it in interactive groups, so that an exchange between these groups will stimulate the emergence and support of a group identity.
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