terminology system, translation transformations, a cognitive approach, a cognitive approach, sociocultural characteristics, emotional spectrumAbstract
The article dwells on the study of translation of the medical terminology system in the novels „Being Mortal” and „Complications” by A. Gawande, based on a cognitive approach. The aim of the study is to reveal the fundamental principles of rendering medical terminology into the target language text and to highlight the key challenges translators face when conveying the semantic and cultural aspects of medical terms. The paper analyzes methods of adapting medical lexical units in the translation of literary texts according to the age, sociocultural and professional characteristics of their target audience. In the context of globalization, medical terms are increasingly integrated into narratives accessible to a broad range of readers. This creates the need to find the best solution to convey specialized vocabulary in order to preserve the meanings embedded in the original text while facilitating comprehension by readers who are not experts in the medical field. The research methods imply comparing the source texts of the novels with their translations to identify similarities and differences between two linguistic cultures, analyze the translation transformations applied for their conveyance and evaluate the efficiency of their translation. The use of a cognitive approach allows tracing the key stages of the translation process in order to identify the cognitive mechanisms, contextual and cultural factors underlying the choice of translation strategies for medical lexical units. The analysis concludes that achieving an adequate translation of the medical terminology system in literary texts requires consideration of both cultural differences and the emotional spectrum of the original texts, as well as the level of professional characteristics of the target audience.
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