Social Audit in the Conditions of War
values of democracy, development of democracy in conditions of war, human rights, public control, Local Government, public participation, social audit.Abstract
A person is the highest social value in a democratic state. War, like an emergency, is a test of the strength of democratic regimes. World experience convincingly proves the flexibility and viability of democratic political regimes in emergency situations to organize work to ensure the livelihood of citizens while preserving their rights and freedoms. Ukraine faced the problem of further development of democratic forms of interaction between the authorities and the community in the conditions of war. Solving this problem requires the further expansion of the delegation of authority to localities, the development of Local Government, the completion of the decentralization reform, and the improvement of forms of interaction between the government and the community. Citizens feel a lack of feedback. It is time to use new, more effective forms of interaction between the authorities and the community. Such a form can be a social audit, which will allow citizens to be involved in the process of monitoring and evaluating the services/ policies provided by the government.