



communicative competence, models of communication, communication techniques


The article aims to introduce the educational and scientific community to the InQua project develops communicative competence in women with a migration background. The objectives of the research paper is: to familiarize with the purpose, objectives, and results of the project; to clarify the essence of the concept of communicative competence, professionally oriented communicative competence; to present models and techniques for the development of communicative competence and their effectiveness. The InQua project is a professional development program for women who aspire to become a consultant/coach in the social sphere. Upon completion of the training, project participants should be able to use models and techniques in building communication, conduct systemic counseling independently, focusing on goals and resources. In the course of the training, the project participants had the opportunity to practice, i.e. to simulate various situations that arise during counseling/coaching. After the simulation, the simulated situations were analyzed by both the participants and an experienced coach. The participants of the InQua project were eager to participate in the discussion, as this activity not only helped to develop language and communication skills, but also developed professionally oriented communication competencies. The knowledge gained contributed to better integration into German-speaking society and created conditions for professional and comprehensive personal development. At different stages of scientific research, theoretical research methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization.


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Author Biography

  • Bohdana LABINSKA, Bin Ggmbh

    Doktor der pädagogischen Wissenschaften, Professorin


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How to Cite

SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF WOMEN WITH A MIGRATION BACKGROUND WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE INQUA PROJECT. (2025). Germanic Philology. Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 850-851, 85-99. https://doi.org/10.31861/gph2024.850-851.85-98

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