
  • A.M. SKOREIKO Ukrainian Scientific Research Plant Quarantine Station Institute of Plant Protection of NAAS Author
  • T.O. ANDRIYCHUK Ukrainian Scientific Research Plant Quarantine Station Institute of Plant Protection of NAAS Author



walnut, phytopathogenic complex, pathogens, distribution


A study on the phytopathogenic complex of walnut in the western forest-steppe of Ukraine is presented. Route and sample surveys were carried out during 2020-2023 on the basis of UkrNDSKR IZR (Ukrainian Plant Quarantine Research Station of the Institute of Plant Protection, 7 ha) and village Zvenyachyn, SE "DG PDSS IS" (State Enterprise Experimental Farm of the Transnistrian Research Station of Horticulture of the Institute of Horticulture). During the study, 13 species of fungi were found, of which 6 species belong to the Ascomycota department: Ophiognomonia leptostyla (Fr.) Sogonov (Marssonina juglandis (Lieh.) Magn., Melanconium juglandinum Kunze, Cytospora juglandina Sacc., Nectria cinnabarina (Tode ex Fr. ) (Tubercularia vulgaris Tode), Septoria epicarpii Thüm., Phyllosticta juglandis Sacc. - 7 species: Microstroma juglandis Sacc., Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.) Bond. et Sing., Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq .ex Fr.) Ganoderma applanatum Pat., Chondrostereum Purpureum Pers.; 1 type of bacteriosis belonging to the department of Xanthomonas arboricola pv , shoots, branches, trunks, fruits.

A laboratory study of plant material with various symptoms of damage showed the predominance of phytopathogenic fungi: Marssonina juglandis (Lieh.) Magn., Phyllosticta juglandis Sacc.; Microstroma juglandis Sacc. and Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis Sacc. The most common and dangerous walnut diseases in the examined territories were: Marssonina juglandis (Lieh.) Magn. and Xanthomonas arboricola pv.. juglandis


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