biological agents, pests, biological preparation, stimulant, drug effectivenessAbstract
The complexes of stimulating matters and derivatives of ammonium salts of dihidropyrimidine in bacterium strain АР-33 Pseudomonas fluоrescens conducted testing toxicity. The concentration chosen which did not decrease the less than rate viability cells. The matters complex consisted of 0,1 xymedon, 0,2% succinic acid+ 2ml DMAE+2ml DMSO. It provided viability titer of bacterium cells Pseudomonas fluоrescens in recommended scope. It was consisted of 2,98 109 CFU/cm3 on 15th day.
The paper showed results of biological preparations active efficiency. They based upon the Pseudomonas fluorescens strain AP-33 in combination with microelement plant nutrition and stimulating matters on potato plantations. The yield increase recorded as a result of biological complexes usage in combination with chelate complexes. The yield and growing indexes of mentioned combinations were higher than in cases without chelates. The combination Pseudomonas fluorescens +xymedon +succinic acid+DMAE+DMSO chelate1 (3,6%) showed the best result against Alternaria blight. It’s efficiency was in scope 66,4%. The best indexes showed combination Pseudomonas fluorescens+ ksymedon +succinic acid+DMAE+DMSO chelate 2 (3,6%) against late blight. It’s efficiency was 84.8%.
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