J. K. Pachoski, naturalist, professor, herbariumAbstract
The article highlights the life and creative path of a student of the Uman School of Agriculture and Horticulture (now the Uman National University of Horticulture) Jozef Konrad Pachoski (27.11.1864–14.02.1942). A famous naturalist, botanist, zoologist, ecologist, founder of the science of phytosociology, professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań. The versatility and uniqueness of Jozef Pachoski creative personality attracts, fascinates and surprises all researchers of his scientific heritage. The formation of the future scientist was facilitated by the influence of his family, later teachers during his studies at the Uman School, then mentors and like-minded people in life. In his childhood, he received thorough knowledge in various fields of knowledge. The Pachoski family had a large library, his relatives were fond of music and art. Volyn, where he was born and raised, inspired Joseph to study natural science.
In his youth, Jozef Paczoski, while in Uman, studied the natural flora of the city surroundings and introduced plants that were grown at the school, as evidenced by the preserved personal collection of herbarium collections in the herbarium funds of the Uman National University of Horticulture (UM). His mentors and teachers were: botany teacher V. Ya. Skrobyshevsky, head of the weather station V. O. Poggenpol, chief gardener of the Sofiivka Park (now the Sofiivka National Dendrological Park of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) Y. R. Lantsky. The skills of the practical part, which he mastered in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden of Crimea, are also known. It was in Uman that he became a talented botanist. Moving to Kyiv to study and work at St. Volodymyr's University (now Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University), later to the Botanical Garden in St. Petersburg inspired him to engage in science. His mentor, botanist I. F. Schmalhausen, involved Pachoski in expeditionary research of the flora of Eastern Bukovina, Hungary, Podillia, Volhynia and the northern part of Bessarabia. The processed materials of the research protocols of the meetings of the Kyiv Society of Naturalists, which are preserved in the university library, testify to his membership in the society and research expeditions.
Also, the primary scientific work "Essays of the Surroundings of the City of Uman" was published by the author in 1887 and confirmed by the preserved herbarium collections of the funds (UM, KW). The personal (memorial) collection of the herbarium (UM) is the scientific heritage of the educational institution, which was digitized and published in the monograph "Herbarium Funds…, (2023)", numerous scientific works.
The Pachoski family tree studied by us for "Metryki Wołyń", the memoirs of the nephew Mieczysław Garusewicz, the son of sister Amelia, which were covered in the book published in 1975 and obtained in a second-hand bookstore in Poland, supplemented the research of many scientists of our country. Thanks to the processed materials, the monograph "Family circle and youth of Jozef Paczoski" was written in 2021 by the authors H. A. Chorna and T. V. Mamchur.
On the 160th anniversary of the birth of the student Jozef Paczoski and the 180th anniversary of the educational institution in 2024. The bright memory was honored, which is dedicated to the traditional project at the university "Names of the Great and Unknown", who will live as long as they are remembered.
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