
  • H.N. SHOL Kryvyi Rih Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Author
  • O.O. KRASOVA Kryvyi Rih Botanical Garden of National Academy of Scienses of Ukraine Author
  • M.O. BARANETS Kryvyi Rih Botanical Garden of National Academy of Scienses of Ukraine Author




rare species, distribution, coenotic and biotopic preferences, population structure


According to the results of route expedition research conducted in 2020–2022 and the processing of literary sources, we give the distribution of the rare species Pontechium maculatum on the right bank of the Dnipropetrovsk region. We ascertained that 14 localities of the species are known in this region, three of which are likely to be lost. Most of the known localities of P. maculatum are few in number, occupy small areas; they are isolated from each other. The reason for this was the intensive agricultural and industrial land development in the Dnipropetrovsk region, the burning of vegetation, and recreation.

We recorded the largest number of localities of the species within the right bank of the region in the basin of the Demuryna River. On the example of the most numerous of them, it was ascertained that the local population is full-fledged, with a significant predominance of vegetative individuals, stable; its self-maintenance occurs by seeds.

In the basin of the Demuryna River, P. maculatum grows on the slopes of the northern and northwestern exposure in the biotopes: T1.4.a: True forb-bunchgrass and bunchgrass steppes of the steppe zone and T1.3.2 Meadow steppes on chernozems, where it is included in composition of communnities with dominance or co-dominance of Elytrigia stipifolia, Stipa pulcherrima, Salvia nutans, Inula ensifolia, Galatella linosyris, Chamaecytisus austriacus, Festuca valesiaca, Pulsatilla pratensis, Astragalus onobrychis, etc. The total projective coverage of phytocoenoses with the participation of P. maculatum is mostly 65–70 %, less often – 80–90 %. In the latter case, it occurs singly, from 5 to 11 generative instances per 100 m2. In a sparser grassland, the projective cover of P. maculatum can reach 8 %.

In the basin of the Domotkan River, P. maculatum occurs in biotope T1.3.2: Meadow steppes on chernozems, where it is part of communities dominated by Stipa tirsa (more than 50 %), with the participation of Festuca rupicola, Koeleria delavignei, Salvia nutans, Filipendula vulgaris, Trifolium montanum, T. alpestre, Erysimum diffusum, etc. and communities dominated or co-dominated by Stipa pulcherrima, Poa angustifolia, Trifolium alpestre, Filipendula vulgaris, Phleum phleoides.

In the tract “Salt Lake” (Kryvyi Rih) – in the ecotone zone between the biotopes T1.4a: True forb-bunchgrass and bunchgrass steppes of the steppe zone and T6.2: Mesic halophyte grasslands, where it is present in communities with the dominance of Festuca rupicola and Silaum silaus (12 % each) and the high abundance of Galatella villosa (up to 8%) and Phlomis pungens (5 %).

In general, on the right bank of the Dnipropetrovsk region, P. maculatum grows on steppe slopes, occurs on steppe meadows, mainly in communities of the class Festuco-Brometea.


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2025-03-07 — Updated on 2025-01-18

