
  • O.M. ROMANIUK Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Author
  • V.V. ROMANIUK Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Author



Age-old trees, systematic structure, dendroflora, taxational characteristic, Chernivtsi, Park of Chernivtsi Regional Psychiatric Hospital, bioecological assessment, sanitary condition


The taxonomic and systematic structure of age-old trees growing in the park of Chernivtsi Regional Psychiatric Hospital has been analyzed.  The distribution of age-old trees by basic taxing parameters is carried out.  50 specimens of age-old trees, belonging to 8 species and belonging to 2 departments – Pinophyta and Magnoliophyta, 2 classes – Pinopsida and Magnoliopsida, 5 orders of magnitude, 5 families and 6 genera, have been found.  It is established that the greatest genera diversity is represented by the family Fagaceae. The Pinophyta department has been found to be minimally represented at all taxonomic levels.  It is determined that the ratio of detected species of Pinophyta to Magnoliophyta is 1:6.

It has been found that among age-old trees the most numerous is the age group of 200 – 300 years old, the dominance of plants with a trunk circumference of 200–300 cm and a trunk diameter of 50–100 cm has been shown. On the basis of the distribution of age-old trees by height classes, a significant predominance of trees and size was revealed.  According to the results of the bioecological assessment of the age-old trees of the park of Chernivtsi Regional Psychiatric Hospital, the prevalence of plants with the assessment of “good” was revealed.  It is established that in the composition of wood plantations dominated by plants with high quality.  The general sanitary condition of age-old trees as satisfactory has been determined.  The decrease in the assessment of the sanitary condition was significantly influenced by uncontrolled periodic cleaning, tree pruning and improper zoning, which  worsens the living condition and stability of tree plants.

It has been determined that the structure, bioecological properties and stability of the age-old trees of the medical institution are significantly influenced by the lack of regular care and maintenance of the functioning of the park as an object of landscaping of the city of Chernivtsi at the proper level.


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Abstract views: 4


2025-01-22 — Updated on 2025-01-18

