
  • V. CHERLINKA Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Автор
  • Y. DMYTRUK Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Автор


Ключові слова:

soil map, cartogram of agro-industrial groups of soils, training data set, simulation, morphometric parameters, DEM, predicative algorithms


The current situation with soil cartographic information is considered and it is shown that it is urgently needed to update it in accordance with modern requirements. Analysis of the current situation makes it possible to identify 2 main ways to overcome such a crisis, which together with their advantages and disadvantages. The first way — involves a repeated large-scale soil survey based on innovative scientific and methodological approaches using ground–based surveys, unmanned aerial vehicles and remote sensing of the Earth. However, it has such significant shortcomings as high time and labor costs, the corresponding economic ones, which is relevant for the state budget, and given the lack of sufficient professional staffing, such a path looks not quite realizable in the short term. Based on the analysis of the current political and economic state of Ukraine, it is proposed to use the second possible path, the essence of which is to correct existing soil maps on the basis of archival materials and build on their basis predictive mathematical models of soil cover, including for locations with missing data. Among its positive aspects, we note the use of new low–budget
scientific and methodological methods for modeling cartographic soil materials, low time and labor costs, the possibility of using remote sensing data to refine the contours. There are also certain negative aspects that are carefully analyzed and, in particular, concern the access to scanned original archival soil maps and technical reports, as well as the desirability of minimum field expeditions to verify the corrected maps. A step–by–step algorithm for solving such a global problem within Ukraine is proposed. The proposed approach will allow creating a modern soil science GIS with the most adapted set of data, which will be convenient to use, scalable and dynamically supplemented. This will also become a prerequisite for the creation of a national database of soil data and its integration with minimal rearrangements and subsequent development within the future functioning version of the National Geospatial Data
Infrastructure. It also adapts it to the maximum extent possible with international similar systems SOTER, SOVEUR and the like. Taking into account the announced start of work in this direction and the detected range of problems, it is necessary to involve the soil science community. Given the scale of such a project and the cost of modern software, special attention should be paid to free free software under the free GNU GPL license: Debian, GRASS GIS, Quantum GIS, SAGA GIS, R-Statistic etc, which allows you to perform the full range of proposed activities in a closed loop.


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