
  • V. DEMCHENKO Institute of Marine Biology NAS of Ukraine Автор
  • N. DEMCHENKO The Interdepartmental Laboratory of Ecosystem Monitoring of the Azov Sea Basin at the Institute of Marine Biology and Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after B. Khmelnitsky Автор


Ключові слова:

Natura 2000, Emerald Network, Ukraine, fish, conservation, monitoring


The paper provides information on the structure of sites of the Emerald Network of Ukraine as special areas of conservation, focused at ensuring the protection of natural fauna, flora and habitats. The development of this network was initiated for the implementation of a set of resolutions of the Berne Convention (1979), and principles of its formation are basically similar to Natura 2000. As of 2019, a total of 271 Emerald sites were designated in Ukraine. According to studies, the water bodies of the network are inhabited by 25 fish species. The data were extracted from upto-date ichthyological publications on the distribution of fish species in Ukrainian water bodies, catalogues of collections of various zoological museums, regional faunal cadastres, and own research. Analysis of the fish species composition in the sites has shown that the most common and found in more than 60% of the sites are Cobitis taenia, Rhodeus sericeus amarus, Misgurnus fossilis. This can be explained by characteristics of their biology and tolerance to environmental conditions. Endemic species are extremely rare in the Emerald sites and narrowly localized in several river basins. In particular, they are Zingel zingel, Umbra krameri, Eudontomyzon danfordi, Hucho hucho, and Leuciscus souffia recorded in 5-6 sites of the network. Further research is required that will be focused at the development of an integral network of Emerald sites in Ukraine. For this purpose, ichthyological reserves of general and local significance may be considered as promising areas. The analysis of the species number and distribution in water bodies of Ukraine is quite relative and requires additional special field studies. In addition, a qualitative assessment of the number of fish species in promising areas requires ichthyological research methods to be unified and an effective monitoring system be introduced.


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Переглядів анотації: 7



